Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Menu designing is the most important aspect which will attribute to its success and peculiarity, at times it can be the USP as we call it in B schools . So much critical analysis, creative effort and care goes into developing menu items that it’s tempting to give short shrift to said items’ packaging—the menu. But slapping a collection of tested and perfected foods and beverages on a piece of paper and hoping for the best does not a solid menu-design strategy make.
Successful restaurateurs know that the physical menu is an extension of the operation’s brand. Extra menu touches such as the use of artistic elements from the restaurant or helpful hints for guests (wine suggestions and food-allergy notes) express a commitment to detail.
I am working on developing a menu based on the availability of raw materials available in India; serving global cuisine in India is not an easy task. Availability of raw materials depends on the kind of soil and the climate which is quite different than the continent. However the spread of organized retail especially in food outlets is encouraging, in a place like Jamshedpur (my home town) availability of leek, celery, parsley etc. I strongly believe that going forward it will be organic foods and getting the supply on a regular and of consistent quality will be a big challenge.

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