Tuesday, May 1, 2007


time to start....

Here I sit on the rooftop and ponder about where I am heading what I want to be. There is no epiphany, no blinding white light and no Beethoven symphony playing in the background, Just the sea breeze and a cup of black coffee sufficient to stimulate my mind and I am thinking of making a plan ….. eh a business plan to be precise. I want to be a restaurateurs…. This moment was, and is a compilation of time, experiences, luck, money Love and frustration.
So what does it take to start a restaurant, I have tried to start one before and failed and than tried again as a consultant for a friend and was a success. So let me try to jot down some of the important steps for my reference as well as for all those who have similar interests.
----Come up with a great Idea
----Write a business Plan
----Look for the perfect Place
----Beg for Money
----Pay too Much for an architect designers and lawyers
----Get really frustrated
----Get really concentrated on the details
----Build-out purveyor negotiating and employee hiring
----Get really frustrated yet again

Yes you are right there are many more steps which needed to be discussed in between also and most prominent of all frustrated couple of more times I guess. I will continue in this blog some of my experiences
Also I would like to get some response from all of you about your views, which will help me to start my own setup once again……..

au revoir
Chef Keshav